Reader (10)
[In Zuni] the most honored personality traits are a pleasing address, a yielding
disposition, and a generous heart. All the sterner virtues–initiative, ambition,
an uncompromising sense of honor and justice, intense personal loyalties–not
only are not admired but are heartily deplored. The woman who cleaves to her
husband through misfortune and family quarrels, the man who speaks his mind
where flattery would be much more comfortable, the man, above all, who thirsts
for power or knowledge, who wishes to be, as they scornfully phrase it, “a
leader of his people,” receives nothing but censure and will very likely be
persecuted for sorcery.
Introduction to Zuñi Ceremonialism
Rare indeed is the execution for which no other than superstitious reasons may
be adduced. . . . [L]ike a vigilance committee, the priesthood of the Bow
secretly tries all cases of capital crime under the name of sorcery or witchcraft .
. . On account of this mysterious method of justice crime is rare in Zuñi.
“My Adventures in Zuñi”
Zunis of all ages are . . . fearful of the dark, when witches and the dead are
abroad; they accompany each other even on short nighttime trips to the
outhouse or the car.
“Zuni and Quiché dream sharing and interpreting”
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