Non sequiturs

The vacuum cleaner is covered with a layer of grime.


I carry my empty coffee cup into the kitchen & set it on the counter beside the baby bottles.


Halfway through my walk, it hits me: Last night, I was dreaming about witches.


The censor of music wears black turtleneck shirts & fancies himself a decomposer.


Insomnia is like instant water – add water & serve.


I pause in my cleaning to admire the beebalm: scarlet dust mops.


Out for an early walk, the rising sun warms my back even as the nighttime coolness still seeps between the buttons of my shirt.


I write a note to myself, cross it out & put it in my pocket.


Everyone assumes the fry cook likes to cook, but the truth is, she likes to feed people.


How long until the baby begins to suspect that the world has other flavors besides formula?


I have a feeling I could make a lot out of the fact that the scarlet tanager’s song is so hoarse & formless.


I always pause after punching down the dough to admire the imprint of my knuckles on what will soon be bread.


Panther amanita or green bolete, a chipmunk has nibbled most of the color off.


At three years of age, the asshole’s son is already well on his way to becoming an asshole.


Anything with a head of snakes gets compared to Medusa – how tiresome.


Is it really just a deerfly that keeps nuzzling the back of my neck?


I wonder what the turtles are up to right now?

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