- Submit your essays, stories, photos, artwork or poems to qarrtsiluni. Current theme: First Time (editors’ description here). The deadline for this edition is December 15.
- Volunteer to host and edit a future edition of the Festival of the Trees. Still open: March, April, June and beyond (May has been spoken for).
how did you do that?
Cute. Yes, how did you do it?
I didn’t; somebody else did. I saved the results a while ago, but neglected to save the link. Let me see…
Ah. Here.
I bussed tables and busted lettuce for a year or so at Big Boy during high school. I don’t recall our introducing any pasta.
“Qarrtsiluni” does sound like some sort of yuppie pasta dish, doesn’t it?
A lovely, lovely plinth. A pix with a certain Kunstler-like quality. Speaking of mistletoe (Bootstrap Analysis), there’s a wonderful butterfly of the South whose caterpillars eat mistletoe. It’s the Great Purple Hairstreak. One of my favorite natural areas, Great Dismal Swamp NWR, is a stronghold for the species.
A Great Purple Hairstreak in the Great Dismal Swamp – now there’s an immortal blog post waiting to be written!