Oekologie #3 includes a lot of fun posts raising a variety of interesting questions, such as:
- Is rape adaptive? (Behavioral Ecology Blog)
- What counts as a “species” in the asexual world of microbes? (A Blog Around the Clock)
- How do you measure the ecological impact of goats in Eastern Mediterranean countries? (Snail’s Tales)
- Why does the eastern pipistrelle adapt more easily to changing environmental pressures than the gray myotis? (The Infinite Sphere)
- Does it make sense to pour aid money into replanting mangrove forests in the wake of the Indian Ocean tsunami? (ESA News & Views)
- Why isn’t the endangered pygmy hog-sucking louse on the IUCN Redlist? (Endangered Ugly Things)
To learn how to participate in this fast-growing new blog carnival, check out the Oekologie blog.