A number of bloggers are promising to write a poem a day for (Inter-)National Poetry Writing Month, A.K.A. NaPoWriMo, including Ivy Alvarez (who warns that she will be taking the full drafts down after a couple hours, “leaving excerpts wagging their tails behind them”), Harry Rutherford (who warns that many of his poems “will be truly awful”), and SB of Watermark (who warns that her highest hope is to “end the month with one or two good seeds”). Posting rough drafts of one’s own poems takes a certain amount of guts, I think. I encourage everyone to follow as many of these bloggers as you have time for and cheer them on. Lists of participants can be found here, here and here.
I just want to remind everyone that I, too, will be posting a poem virtually every day this month — as I’ve been doing for the past three weeks — at Spoil. The caveat in my case is that these are not new poems, and thus not in the spirit of NaPoWriMo (although most certainly in the spirit of the original, more fuddy-duddyish National Poetry Month). Since none of them are first drafts, I really don’t have any excuses, other than a sentimental attachment to the products of my long poetic apprenticeship. If you’re one of the twenty or so people keeping up with Spoil by subscribing to the feed, thanks — but you might want to click through once and a while and admire the totally bitchin’ header image, which is one of the best things about the site.
Ah, were I a poet…
Just to let you know, Dave, your first ‘Spoil’ link went to Watermark, not your Spoil.
Oh, thanks! That’s the sort of error I’d probably never notice on my own.
Oh, thanks for putting me on the list.
My pleasure.
Totally bitchin’, eh?
I love Spoil. I tended to box up and toss out my long apprenticeships, so a slow { g a s s h o } to you for saving and sharing.
It’s nice to see the arc of a creative life as it curves.
Oh, er, thanks too.
I clicked through and that header image was familiar… one of Lori Witzel’s, I was sure, and a check of the credits at the bottom of the page confirmed this.
Ya got good taste, Dave!
I only went over to look at the picture, finished up whiling away half my early morning there…
Oops. Sorry about that.