
UPDATE (June 22) – Thanks to everyone for the supportive and sympathetic comments. I do now have regular access to a dial-up connection, but as you can imagine it’s excruciating to go back to that after having gotten accustomed to DSL. If I get desperate enough, I may return to blogging at 26k/sec. In any case, though, I have sent Smorgasblog on vacation and substituted a dynamic blogroll courtesy of Google Reader. This will display links to the latest posts from close to 100 blogs; it’s not selective.

I’m suspending publication of Via Negativa (and curtailing most of my other online activities) due to a loss of internet service in Plummer’s Hollow. At this point I can’t predict when I might resume — it could be anywhere from a few days to a couple of months.

Thanks for reading. Take care.

35 Replies to “Hiatus”

  1. Very sorry to hear it. As a reader with noisy, unreliable dialup in a holler in Kentucky I can sympathize. Best wishes, rb

  2. Good luck with your connectivity! I hope you don’t have so much fun out in the real world that you forget about your Web projects and never come back to them (and us, your readers).

  3. Holy Cow! and also Arrrghh!

    And I thought my summer was going to be drab enough with TV reruns. Now this! To show you how totally ignorant I am about blogs.. does this mean the blog can’t be accessed although you are not adding to it? I mean if I started today and then went backwards it would still be a year plus of fabulous poems pics and posts., and your poems, being real poetry, unlike my whacky light verse, need to be read over and over.

    How about the photos on Flicker? A light at the end of the tunnel which I hope don’t flicker out as well.

    Well, hoping the hiatus is short..but if it is long ..hope you come back refreshed.

  4. I wonder if you’ll be able to read the comments somewhere, from an internet cafe maybe? It doesn’t feel right, your not being online. I don’t like this feeling at all. Have a good break, yes Dave, but not so good that you don’t come back. I think you won’t be able to keep away, it’s an addiction this blogging thing. Au revoir, yes?

  5. Late on the scene, as usual. Sorry…

    As Natalie – something deeply awry if you’re not updating, Dave. A hole in the blogosphere. I shall check daily to see whether your ISP has sorted itself out.

  6. aww, man. i wish my internet would blow out for a couple of weeks. you’re a lucky one, dave. enjoy the break. take lots of pictures. (there is still paper and pen for journal writing.)

  7. Dave– I’ve been in my own private hell these past few days and weeks, so I’ve not been reading or commenting at my usual favorites. I am so sorry to see that you are going on hiatus. Your unique, poetic voice will be missed. I hope your connection improves.

  8. Oh, what a drag. Taking a voluntary blog hiatus is one thing; getting your Internet yanked out from under you is another. I hope you discover a positive benefit to being (temporarily) Internet-free.

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