A tiny spider
has spun its web across
the lens of my camera.
I check the memory stick
for pictures of flies.
Slender bodies,
legs impossibly long,
translucent wings:
stranger than any daydream,
the crane flies float through the trees.
On the damp woods trail
my boots scarcely make a sound.
Squirrels keep throwing fits —
as startled as me, this July morning,
by the apparition of my breath.
Excellent tanka. I have never attempted any till date.
I especially enjoyed the first one
First, LOL;
Second, planar like a painting;
Third, explosive with contrast and surprise,
the favorite; the space from ground to tree top crisscrossed with sound and gas; two points of view. “Apparition” is great, a slide between “appear” and a plosive exhalation, a cloud puffed with puh sounds.
I like that first one, too.
I really like these. Very nice little snapshots. Tanka is a form I’ll have to study more. :)
I’m so impressed with these – each one carries a special tune!
I love these, Dave! All three talk about favorite subjects, and wonderfully. I particularly like the first. Clever (in a good way.)
Dig the first shot , Dave.
I love the first one! Excellent!
Thanks for the comments. I agree, the first one is the strongest.
Well written, well done! Especially liked #3… ;)
The first one does it for me too. Excellent.
Thanks, Rob and bev. I appreciate the feedback.
I like them all, especially together. I haven’t tried this form.