International Rock Flipping Day 2009 set for September 20th

International Rock-Flipping Day, September 2, 2007International Rock-Flipping Day is changing dates and coordinators this year. It’s going to be on Sunday, September 20th. Bev Wigney and I passed the baton to Susanna Anderson at Wanderin’ Weeta blog in British Columbia, who was kind enough to volunteer. See her announcement post for complete details.

Please direct all rock-flipping correspondence this year to Susanna: wanderinweeta [at] gmail [dot] com (email spelled out to foil the evil robot servants of the spam lords). Bev and I had a great time being IRFD coordinators the first two years, and we’re sorry we can’t continue,* but I’m sure Susanna will do a terrific job. Please help spread the word about the new date. Happy flipping!

*In case anyone is interested in our lame excuses: With all that’s going on these days at qarrtsiluni and the other sites I manage or attempt to contribute to, my online time is already pretty much spoken for. And Bev is in even worse shape time-wise, having just sold and moved out of her house and being on the verge of a new “journey to the center.” We both do plan to get out on the 20th, though, and flip some rocks!

4 Replies to “International Rock Flipping Day 2009 set for September 20th”

  1. Hi Dave–
    Just posted an ad for rock tipping day on the front page of the Virtual Tea House. I said there that no rocks had been hurt in this exercise, but thought I should check to see if this is indeed true?

  2. Hi Dave,
    I just learned about the IRF event. We’ve been doing that for years, calling it a “critter hunt”. We will flip some Cambrian Quartzites on S. Mountain, Cumberland County in honor of the event. We might try to flip a few Ordovician Limestones in the valley if the weather is good.

    We’re very shy, so will not be submitting the photos.

    p.s. Heard your Mom speak in Hbg last night & bought American Women Afield for my rock-flippin’ daughters.
    It was nice to finally meet the lady who educates us via Pennsylvania Game News.

    1. Hi Dick – Thanks for stopping by! It’s good to know you’ll be participating in IRFD. You sound like a fellow geology nerd.

      Thanks for coming out to hear my mom’s talk. She said it was really good audience.

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