Moccasin flower

This entry is part [part not set] of 16 in the series Postcards from a Conquistador


Poem: 'They are a proud people. Teaching them to kneel, I fell in love with a moccasinned foot, and have been off-balance ever since.

A late edition to my Postcards from a Conquistador series, this one perhaps from a Jesuit missionary to the Hurons.

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5 Replies to “Moccasin flower”

  1. Learned this spring that what we call “moccasin flower” is called “dog’s balls” in Korean (kae-bul-al-ggot; Cypripedium macranthum); where we went romantic, they went biologic.

  2. This is a good one, Dave, glad to see the series revived. And thanks for the link to the Jesuits-in-New-France book. From what I’ve learned of the demise of several Brother So-and-sos up here, the Hurons made their displeasure known in pretty dramatic ways.

    1. Most of what we know about Huron/Iroquois culture at the tiem comes from the Jusuit Relations, though — they were good observers and writers, at any rate. And in their own paternalistic way, Jesuits were champions of native peoples throughout the hemisphere, including in what is now NW Mexico and Paraguay, in both of which areas they fought to keep colonists out.

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