- dog
- shutters
- burglar
- neighbors
- those darn kids
- lap dancer
- zombie
- bear in kitchen
- FBI agents
- falling branch
- Uncle Fred
- trolls
- distant thunder
- those darn raccoons
- terrorist
- pole dancer
- pizza delivery boy
- Sarah Palin
- improbably clumsy ghost
- wombat
- stalker
- homeless man
- BATF agents
- flying squirrel
- meteorite
- lost stoner
- Rick Astley
- your own left foot
- desperate nymphomaniac
- hit man
- those darn mice
those darn house guests
Yes, those too!
Delusional neighbors…
<Bang Bang> “Keep it down up there!”
<Zzzz…> “huh?”
That would be hell.
Those darn grandkids
Well, some day they’ll be teenagers and you won’t be able to wake them up.
Toilet lid/seat
Fridge door.
Not necessarily in that order… The perp? My hubby, the Midnight Marauder.
“Spouse” should definitely be on the list. The anti-stalker!