The man walking his dog notices that under the bridal
wreath bush, a cardinal flickers like a pilot light.
The woman at her window sees the moon not yet
completely faded in the sky, half a pair of pearl earrings
she still keeps in her drawer though the other
has long gone missing. What parts do we need
to complete each other? Sometimes the day
wobbles like a cart with one wheel.
Sometimes it arrows like a train through
the countryside, even though we don’t see it.
We hear its rush onward, its insistent
push toward the distance. The cold
is intense today, and hard to withstand
alone, out in the open. The man gestures
to his dog and retraces his steps.
The woman turns away from the window.
In the bushes, a tiny red brushstroke
wavering in the cross-hatched branches.
—Luisa A. Igloria
01.22.2011 (via Blackberry)
In response to today’s Morning Porch entry.
- Stay
- “Findings”: the missing Morning Porch poems
- Two more Morning Porch poems from Luisa Igloria and a comment on free culture
- What Leaf
- With winter’s gift of unimpeded sight,
- Aubade, with Feathers
- Scherenschnitte
- Solstice
- Heart and Shadow
- “The sudden spasm of wings”
- “Before sight, sound—“
- Four Morning Porch poems
- “Up and down the street, the neighbors…”
- Memento Mori
- “The streets are lined with garbage bins…”
- “Soon the old year must join…”
- Speaking of __
- Postcard
- Wake
- Despedida de Soltera
- Filament
- “Paired or unpaired, all in the world…”
- Vertices
- Graupel
- Auguries
- Closer
- Menage
- Preludium
- Instructions
- Consonance
- Rosary
- Forager
- Photogram
- [poem temporarily hidden by author]
- Landscape, With Darkness and Hare
- Ghazal of the Dark Water
- Intention
- Landscape, with Cardinal and Earring
- One Day, That Room
- Landscape, with Small Flakes and Far-off Bandoneón
- Sentence
- Spun
- Intercession
- Recurrence
- Landscape, with an End and a Beginning
- Waking
- Thaw
- Spell
- Dim Sun, Dim Sum
- Vanishing Point
- Monday Landscape, with Clocks Borrowed from Dali
- “Last night’s wet snow…”
- Ephemera
- Landscape, with Water Fountain, Small Clouds and Endless Lyric
- What She Wants
- Landscape, with Mockingbird and Ripe Figs
- Letter to Arrythmia
- Love Poem with Skull and Candy Valentines
- Letter to Affliction
- Letter to Levity
- Thaw
- Letter to Rubbermaid and Tupperware
- Letter to Spam
- Ellipsis
- Nave
- Little Waking Song
- Imminence
- Letter to Water
- Letter to Green
- Meditation on a Seam
- No Two
- Ghazal of Burgeoning Things
- Deseo
- Petition for Something Other than White
- Letter to the Hungry Ghosts
Thank you, Kathleen. I’m enjoying your reviews of books you’ve read lately. And the photo of the Vintage Couture purse (Jan. 18) is fetching. :)
In case anyone’s wondering, an update to the plugin I use for series rendered them dysfunctional, so I had to deactivate it — hopefully only temporarily. In the meantime, links to this (or any) series on Via Negativa won’t work.