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Fat moon, you were everyone’s secret, our shared chancre.
It was Lent. Your white flesh grew monstrous as a cod.
On the other side of the world, the ocean had forced itself on the land with devastating effect. Now here you were on the news, getting in our face.
I succumbed to the hype, went out & listened for coyotes. But all I heard was the anguished lowing of a cow.
Holy Moon! Or holy lunar madness. Imaginative wide-spreading poem and the video baldly striking. The old movie effect works with the gritty sound track, making you look like an old-time prospector or pioneer with an electric razor. And who knows what was scampering off with the hair on the ground below, for lining nests, lairs, for offerings to potential mates. I like this videopoem a lot. Great work, Dave. Impressed.
Hey, thanks! I’m glad this worked for you. That old-movie effect seems kind of over-used at YouTube and Vimeo, but I still think it’s fun every once in a while.
I don’t have it on FCE, or I would use it too.
Dave, that’s not you shaving off your hair, is it? You’re not white-haired – or is that the special effects?
I really like this, visually and orally.
Thanks. Yeah, that’s me. In reality, my hair is every bit as dark brown as it always was. But a strange and mysterious thing happened when it got to the ground, Natalie: it all turned gray! My best guess is that it was colonized by an extremely fast-moving species of mold.
Awesome. I like the old film effect too. It makes the electric razor seem like an artifact in something futuristic. Really well done, all around.
Thanks, James! The process with this one was completely ekphrastic, by which I mean the footage conjured up the text.