4 Replies to “Turkey-Pie”

    1. Hi Robbi – thanks for reading. The diary is extensively annotated, but the comments by the original readers are often more detailed, so be sure to click through whenever there’s something obscure like this in the series. I can’t copy and paste the annotation for “posset” because it’s in a pop-up window that appears when you mouse-over the word, but the second comment down says:

      Sack-posset is a custard made of cream and wine. From The Cook’s Guide: Or, Rare Receipts for Cookery (1654):

      To make a Sack posset.

      Take a quart of thick cream, boyle it with whole spice, then take sixteen eggs, yolks and whites beaten very well, then heat about three quarters of a pint of sack, and mingle well with your eggs, then stir them well into your cream, and sweeten it, then cover it up close for half an hour or more over a seething pot of water or over very slow embers, in a bason, and it will become like a cheese.


      1. You can click through on the annotation links to learn more – the pop-up window contains merely a summary. There is, under the “wine” section of reader-contributed annotations, this about the wine known as “sack”:


        Definition from 1911 Enclyclopedia site

        A Spanish wine, which was of a strong, rough, dry kind (in Fr. vin sec, whence the name), and therefore usually sweetened and mixed with spice and mulled or burnt. It became a common name for all the stronger white wines of the South.”

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