Does it mean the gods are always watching,
does it mean You there, don’t get too happy, too proud,
too comfortable, too far ahead of yourself? Does it mean
abandon all hope for no good deed goes unpunished,
and only the fat, well-heeled, well-fed, undeservedly
happy are sure to get that reward plus bonus they don’t
even need? Perhaps I have thrown caution out the window
and forgotten how to be circumspect. Perhaps
the bittersweet blooms, the new buds of hydrangea pushing
out from winter’s brown bramble have plucked at a nerve—
and also the speckled blue eggs only big as my thumb
that some snake, trawling the garden, must have found.
In response to an entry from the Morning Porch.
- Bitter Root
- Aubade
- [poem removed by author]
- Overhead, the thin high whistle of a tree sparrow—
- Robin
- What Use
- Spring Evening
- Ad infinitum
- Cold Press
- Viernes
- Unto every one that hath shall be given;
- Round Mat #2
- Undertones
- Nest
- Hagia Sophia
- A Softening
- Blues
- Anamnesis
- Felt
- To Love
- Amoroso:
- Flaming Heart
- (poem temporarily hidden by author)
- In the Eye
- Vertigo
- Endleaf
- Instructions on how to play the mouth-harp*
- from Ghost Blueprints