and unto every one that hath not, the sky
will never be enough. Unto every branch
fixed with blossom, and unto every one
drooping, armless, or shaded with decay—
And what about the ones that have
no allegiance either way, that take
or render merely as seasons dictate?
Sun, rain, wind, drought, hail— each
hastens a different growth: the way
I tend my affections for you, beloved
that I cannot ever truly own, or hold.
In response to an entry from the Morning Porch.
- Bitter Root
- Aubade
- [poem removed by author]
- Overhead, the thin high whistle of a tree sparrow—
- Robin
- What Use
- Spring Evening
- Ad infinitum
- Cold Press
- Viernes
- Unto every one that hath shall be given;
- Round Mat #2
- Undertones
- Nest
- Hagia Sophia
- A Softening
- Blues
- Anamnesis
- Felt
- To Love
- Amoroso:
- Flaming Heart
- (poem temporarily hidden by author)
- In the Eye
- Vertigo
- Endleaf
- Instructions on how to play the mouth-harp*
- from Ghost Blueprints