“Oh, to love what is lovely, and will not last! / What a task/ to ask// of anything, or anyone,// yet it is ours/ and not by the century or the year, but by the hours.” ~ Mary Oliver
Oh to love the green even before
knowing it will flower green; to love
the sere, knowing that even once before,
its body was supple as its soul— To love
what never really spoke to you except in coils
of brassy silence, itself a kind of speaking. To love,
oh to love the simple conjugations of the verb,
to love its ruses, complications and facades— To love
with hardly a hope of return, yet even so to keep
its image gleaming, garlanded with the name of love—
In response to an entry from the Morning Porch.
- Bitter Root
- Aubade
- [poem removed by author]
- Overhead, the thin high whistle of a tree sparrow—
- Robin
- What Use
- Spring Evening
- Ad infinitum
- Cold Press
- Viernes
- Unto every one that hath shall be given;
- Round Mat #2
- Undertones
- Nest
- Hagia Sophia
- A Softening
- Blues
- Anamnesis
- Felt
- To Love
- Amoroso:
- Flaming Heart
- (poem temporarily hidden by author)
- In the Eye
- Vertigo
- Endleaf
- Instructions on how to play the mouth-harp*
- from Ghost Blueprints