Man with a Bag

The last night Sir W. Batten and Sir W. Pen came to their houses at the office. Met this morning and did business till noon. Dined at home and from thence to my Lord’s where Will, my clerk, and I were all the afternoon making up my accounts, which we had done by night, and I find myself worth about 100l. after all my expenses.
At night, I sent to W. Bowyer to bring me a 100l bag that he hath in his hands of my Lord’s in keeping, out of which I paid Mr. Sheply all that remains due to my Lord upon my balance, and took the rest home with me late at night. We got a coach, but the horses were tired and could not carry us farther than St. Dunstan’s. So we ‘light and took a link and so home weary to bed.

Night came at noon
in a bag that I took
home with me—
late night, but the horses
could not carry us
farther than a light ink.

Erasure poem derived from The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Friday 27 July 1660.

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