
This entry is part 15 of 27 in the series Morning Porch Poems: Autumn 2014


“That’s me in the picture. I’m the diversity.” ~ Morgan Parker

Everyone just loves
those beaches of white
sand, your skin the color

of ripe mangos flecked with
the sun’s old gold— And
everyone says Your people

have such admirable industry!
I’m always amazed at how much
you can do with so little!

By the way there are a few
misplaced commas in your
essay. Did you actually

write it all yourself?
Someday you must explain
to me how a writer from

your country can have
not one or two but four
national awards

to his name. Are you
all right, my co-workers ask
the day after Typhoon Haiyan,

lowered voices tiptoeing
around my cubicle. How are
your family? It must break

your heart. It does, it always
does, though I may not be
personally implicated.


In response to an entry from the Morning Porch.

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