Oton Death Mask
Luisa A. Igloria December 20, 2014
(Oton, Iloilo; 1300-1400 A.D.)
They’ve melted and cut
a ribbon of gold
into squares they’ll beat
with mallets to the thinness
of skin— They’ll trim
around the outlines
then lift with pincers to lay
upon the face of the beloved,
pressing upon the mouth
that kissed and doubtless
was kissed warmly in return,
the bridge of the nose
that flared quietly
for the last time
then shut close
in the early dark;
and because the dark
is real now, the two
eyepieces are a blessing—
one over each shaded socket,
medallions hammered to borrow
the sun’s old fire.
Melted gold,
thinness of skin,
beloved kissed
quietly then shut
to borrow fire.