Here’s a videopoem we made as a sort of New Year’s card to Via Negativa readers, similar to the solstice-themed videopoem we made last year. The footage is all stuff I shot since arriving in London in December (including the hardy soul swimming in the pond at Hampstead Heath—brrr!). I compiled it in rough form and Luisa wrote the following text to go along with it:
Song for Turning
What does the orphan
bird know, picking through the years’ detritus?And what do worms know of melting glaciers,
as they burrow deeper beneath the last republics of trees?And in the pond, glassy and riddled with green,
how will the fish translate the water’schurning clockwork, the cities’ flimsy
defenses against the wind?A line of buoys marks the space
where arms made windmills in summer.Sometimes, the sun has the effulgence
of a bride in the middle of winter.—Luisa A. Igloria, 1 January 2016
The music is part of a track called “London in Winter” by The Passion HiFi, licensed Attribution-only under the Creative Commons.
Here’s wishing all who read here a healthy, happy, and creatively rewarding New Year.
Lovely! That’s not Rachel swimming is it?
No, just some guy. (I don’t think I was violating his privacy since he’s not really identifiable.)