Age of blog: 13 years
Posts: 7,698
Archive pages @ 10 posts/page: 775
Words in posts: 2,251,197
Categories: 43
Posts in “Poems and poem like things” category: 4,903
Posts in “Poets and poetry” category: 416
Posts in “Photos” category: 521
Tags: 1,204
Comments: 22,823
Spam comments blocked by the Akismet plugin: 30,462
Blocked malicious login attempts since 2014: 139,584
Years on WordPress: 10
Times it’s moved to a new web host: 3
Active plugins: 17
Authors: 25
Posts by Dave: 5,374
Posts by Luisa: 2,162
Average posts per guest author: 7
Page views since 2008: 1,028,400*
Times most popular post (Viking nicknames) has been viewed: 16,772
Times second most popular post (How to format poetry on the web: an incomplete guide) has been viewed: 15,185
Visitors since 2013: 161,787*
Visitors from the U.S. in 2016: 35,018
Visitors from the U.K. in 2016: 4,173
Visitors from the Philippines in 2016: 2,858
Visitors from Canada in 2016: 1,739
Highest number of views in a day (19 Nov. 2012): 3,919
Email subscribers: 94
Subscribers on Feedly: 103
Followers on 33
Followers on Twitter: 280
*Sorry I have such crappy, incomplete stats. Obviously, popularity has never been a big concern around here.
Congratulations. Thirteen years of steady, regular, and excellent blogging is really impressive. Well done.
Thanks, James. Blogging is my favorite way to procrastinate on everything else!