
[The] Japanese kanji “Chinese character” 間 graphically combines 門 “door” and 日 “sun.” The earlier variant character 閒 was written with 月 “moon” rather than “sun”, depicting “A 門 door through the crevice of which the 月 moonshine peeps in.” ~ Wikipedia quote of Bernhard Karlgren, Analytic Dictionary of Chinese and Sino-Japanese, Paul Geunthner, 1923

What am I heartsick for
that every shape
forms into a well?


The healer sealed my hand
in a fiber of warmth and all
I could think of was roots.


Everything I eke out
seems always like


Every walk traces
a first running away,
bridges of salt burning.


Mother, do you remember
threatening to return me
to the womb?


At night I drink chamomile tea
and build houses on the table
with sugar cubes.


I have turned into
a Listening post: my ear,
filled with a residue of moths.


My pillow at night
records the sounds I don’t
hear my breathing make.

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