is anagram for punishment—
meaning the package
sent overseas never arrived,
every square inch filled with made-
or-bought-in-the-USA goods; meaning
the smells of 100%
percale, clothing
from outlet stores & discount
racks, shampoo & instant coffee
pilfered or stolen
& never declared. & after
all that, you are considered
the selfish one, the one
who forgot her roots in coming
to this
America that everyone still
thinks is the land of plenty,
where everyone eats
the food
of the gods
& is never on welfare or coming out
of a bankruptcy.
Isn't it peculiar
how the gods always interfere
with human affairs:
jealousy & lust,
chasing after maidens in a Looney
Tunes universe where they
turn into showers
of gold or bulls or swans—
Ten humps in,
the appetite fires up again, restless
for the next conquest. Meanwhile the girl
is rooted to the spot or turned
into a lowly creature hanging
by her own
Net, hum, spin— & it is
a woman as well that's blamed
for lifting the lid of the box: without
a sound, a cloud of ailments
rises into the world & circles
every outpost. One last thing lies
pent, hums in
the dark bottom— there
it is but you don't want to be
the one to call it hope.