"Out of nothing I have created a strange new universe." - János Bolyai (1802-1860) The optometrist asks you to look into the autorefractor: two dark lines form a road that stretches from where you sit to a red barn at the horizon. If your brain tells you that you're looking at a point at infinity rather than just mere inches away, it helps the eyes focus. Things have to end somewhere, don't they? In projective geometry, you're told two parallel lines will intersect, will meet at a point in the line at infinity. If you tilted the horizon up or down, it would remain what it is. If you turned around, infinity would still be there as an infinitely beckoning horizon. But what a strange idea: how in that world, another traveling along the same line as you at parallel distance will arrive with you at the edge of the world. Maybe you can't see them now or touch them. Maybe they haven't spoken to you in months, in years. Maybe you move along, uncertainly: an inch at a time, imagining the possibility.