
Up betimes to the office, and there we sat all the morning, at noon home with my clerks, a good dinner, and then to the Office, and wrote my letters, and then abroad to do several things, and pay what little scores I had, and among others to Mrs. Martin’s, and there did give 20s. to Mrs. Cragg, her landlady, who was my Valentine in the house, as well as Doll Lane. Here yo did hazer la cosa with Mrs. Martin backward. So home and to the office, there to end my letters, and so home, where Betty Turner was to see my wife, and she being gone I to my chamber to read a little again, and then after supper to bed.

on the road
or on a crag

who was I in the haze
of my letters home

Erasure poem derived from The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Saturday 21 March 1668

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