To find a kiss of yours The great warehouse doors open; I fill with gratitude I'm not asking you to finish so I look at the blue water, the snowy egret, the lace of its feathers without a trace of irony or blush of shame— We prefer to do it with the lights on and what I do not say is, I trust the world to come back. What is a story we never tell? A hundred birds flew over a hundred fields. sandstone, red basalt From iron clangor and the engulfing crowd Ladders, and whatever else Might fall from the sky. * [Sources: Federico Garcia Lorca; Rumi; Djuna Barnes; Aria Aber; James Crews; Traci Brimhall; Ada Limon; Gabriela Mistral; Yanyi; Babette Deutsch; Alicia Ostriker; Alison C. Rollins]