"How does repeated exposure to disasters and extreme weather events affect mental health?" ~ from "22. Southeast, Key Topic 3: Health and Well-Being," NCA5 Zero Order Draft In the deep interior, the gears of each of our impossible machines. Which way do they turn? They set off their own weather in response to the world: counterclockwise, El Niño; its twin, slashing a different path across the sea. Tonight, soft pellets of rain. Tomorrow, the drupe peels open to the ovary. Even the smallest hermit crabs go crazy in sudden heat. If you held your ear to the cool shadows in a library, perhaps you might hear the faraway clicking of hooves, the rustle of bellies pressing through forest cover. Thrown into the water-filled bowl of the world, sealed within a creaking hull of old lumber, the dove still trapped in its cage trembles at the thought of being sent out to bring back proof of dry land.