The Myth of Inevitable Collapse

What of a body is finally exhausted after it's turned inside out? 

I thought the hospital where I wanted to get a mammogram had closed.

A sign appeared on the sidewalk with the words luxury and development.

I can't count the times I've had to swallow what's called humble pie.

Some people are always giving advice like Play to win. 

The only questions worth asking have words no one says much anymore.

It took a while to find the name of the person who spoke so rudely to us.

 Some people have an unshakeable belief in their ability to prevail.

You have no idea how much I steel myself but hope for joy. 

He said, You must admit you've been brave.

I just like to make sure everything is zipped up tight.
What of a body needs rewinding, refreshing?

Sleek with cinnabar sheen,  a fox has been seen in the neighborhood.

Wouldn't you rather be subaltern to what's possible though 
               seemingly improbable? 

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