My friend's friend had a house fire and lived for almost a year in a trailer in their yard, until repairs were complete— Kas sadi langit, kasta met ditoy daga. A former colleague's elderly parents were bound and gagged then robbed and murdered. Another boat of refugees sinks into the sea after countries push them toward other ports— Sumalangit nawa. Even a fraction of these traumas, I wouldn't wish on anyone; nor give thanks it wasn't me or my own— Isalakannakami iti dakes. Though it's possible to investigate what choice someone made if any, luck or fortune have nothing to do with whether a child is born veiled in a caul or left in a box on the convent steps. Who will grow up sucking on stripped ends of sugarcane, who will drink heated milk in porcelain teacups? The gods may be hungry, but we are hungry too. [Kas sadi langit, kasta met ditoy daga - On earth as it is in heaven; Sumalangit nawa - rest in peace; Isalakannakami iti dakes - keep us from harm ]