Dear Human at the Edge of Time & Caulbearer

A couple of days ago, chatting briefly on Messenger, Dave wondered why I’d not posted anything about my forthcoming book Caulbearer . . . or even about the anthology which I was lead editor for, along with Aileen Cassinetto and Jeremy S. Hoffman— Dear Human at the Edge of Time: Poems on Climate Change in the U.S., Paloma Press, 2023. The Foreword was written by the wonderful Claire Wahmanholm, and the Afterword by Dr. Sam Illingworth, Associate Professor at Edinburgh Napier University in the UK (whose work and research have long focused on science communication through poetry and games).

I guess it felt a little awkward to be tooting my own horn. But it’s exciting to see how warm the reactions have been to our anthology, and how this little book keeps rolling along and finding more and more audiences. Joe Biden sent a congratulatory letter; the book even won the Best Poetry Anthology Award at the 2023 American Book Festival. We were invited to participate in the AGU (American Geophysical Union) December conference in the Bay area; and in April, the Science Creativity and Climate Futures Conference (UC Berkeley) built a conference day around Dear Human. PoetsForScience, Traveling Stanzas and David Hassler at Kent State University’s Wick Poetry Center helped us launch an interactive microsite where anyone can contribute to the ongoing “Community Poem” in response to the Fifth National Climate Assessment Papers (NCA5).

In less than two weeks, we’ll be making a call for submissions to a brand new anthology project—I’ll be sure to post a call here too!

In the meantime, I’m so pleased to let you know that the pre-order link for my newest book Caulbearer is LIVE! (There’s even a Study/Discussion Guide that you can click on and download, which my daughter Gabriela helped to create.)

Recipient of the 2023 Immigrant Series prize, Caulbearer will be released from Black Lawrence Press in August 2024.

It would mean the world to me and my publisher if you pre-order the book now, instead of waiting until August (pre-orders will be accepted until midnight of July 30, 2024).

3 Replies to “Dear Human at the Edge of Time & Caulbearer”

  1. Congratulations! Both books sound excellent, chiming well with my own poetry and environmental passions. Not sure, though, how easy it would be to get them to me here in South Africa. Let me know what you think.

    1. I see that Dear Human is not on Other official distributors for the book are Barnes and Noble,, and Waterstones, according to the publisher’s page. Maybe contact them directly and ask? editor[at]
      For Caulbearer, I think you ought to be able to order it directly from the publisher?

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