We do it the old-fashioned way again:
pen and paper (not GPS), you looking at
the map and me writing down the turns
I should take when I have to drive you
to and from early morning surgery
next week. I recall an evening
over two decades ago when we
were new in town, leaving the car
dealership— You drove the rental,
slowly leading the way so I could follow
in the just-bought blue compact car, lights
blinking on in row houses that we passed.
It wasn't my first time behind the wheel,
but my first time to drive in this new country
of four- or more-lane highways and unfamiliar
street signs. My heart did its best to keep
from pounding or being flustered, to not
be distracted by fast traffic. We pulled into
the lot of our new apartment. I loved how you
smiled, how I was proud to have done well.