
as in purposeful, deliberate. With foreknowledge, rather than
by accident. In Metaphysics, however, pertaining to the capacity

of the mind to refer to an existent or non-existent object. In other
words, what one means to do doesn't necessarily yield the intended

outcome. In which case, the mind might be said to produce a series
of beautiful mirages: well-meaning, even ideally proportioned;

the very thing that would have satisfied, if the outcome had equated
to whatever wish set it in motion. Prometheus, whose name means

foresight, stole one flint of fire for humankind from the gods and hid it
in the hollow of a fennel stalk. Didn't the gods mean to bind him to

a granite cliff and make the vultures feed on his liver as he watched?
We're told his ravished body healed each day, only to be ready for

the next assault. This too is intention—the punishments designed
to be more intricate, more excruciatingly terrible than the crime.

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