The shortest distance between two points is
a line but the shortest distance between you
and the poem or the novel you say you want
to write (someday, not today) is the first
word you write on the page or on the screen,
after you hear the couple next door fighting
about one or another thing as they always
seem to do this time of day while a baby
cries somewhere in the background.
But what is the square of the hypotenuse
of the right angles formed by a memory of your
mother humming as she worked at her sewing
machine, the sound of your father laughing
late at night while watching the Lucy and Desi
Comedy Hour in his bathrobe; and the first
sirens that split day from night after
the Declaration of Martial Law?
The word theorem comes from the Greek
theorema, meaning to look at and see.
The Pythagorean theorem has been used
in architecture to ascertain the stability
and precision of structures, from pyramids
to skyscrapers. You can calculate the roof
height and pitch angle, but as some
photography tricks show, what you see
is not always how it is.
You can stand at one end of the garden
and I can stand on the porch steps so
when I angle my palm a certain way,
it would seem you are perched
in the hollow of my hand.
An observer could say this
is also true.