7AM Strength Training

Straight up is how I'm supposed to pull
the weight from the floor, how my arms

are supposed to push the dumbbells up
and away above my shoulders— a clean

line, says the trainer: work the deltoids, engage
the back muscles, tighten the glutes and core.

What I've heard about people growing older— taking
a fall, breaking a wrist, a knee, a hip— isn't mainly what

drove me here; I don't suddenly want to run a marathon,
hike the Pyrenees, or swim the English Channel. I just want

the strength to pull my trash bins to the curb, heft
grocery bags without stumbling; look forward

to walking around foreign cities I've always wanted to visit:
nipping in and out of museums, bookstores, and coffee-

shops; falling into bed after a whole day of exploring, then
waking up in a body excited at the prospect of doing it again.

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