Salt of the Earth

The largest salt flat is in Bolivia—Salar de Uyuni, where 
rainwater as it evaporates leaves traces in the form of salt.
In a book of amazing facts I've been given by a new friend,
I read about how you could walk across its surface of over four
thousand miles in whatever direction without sinking; the water,
which is eight times saltier than ocean water, would barely come
up to your ankles. My parents described a few of their friends
as the salt of the earth—meaning, they were upstanding
and good in every way; they would never let you down.
They'd give you the last slice of bread and the last bottle
of water in their pantry, care for your indoor plants while
you're away, offer a pillow for your copious griefs, or
the space you need. Their goodness would be so wide,
a lake as perfect mirror doubling the generosity of the sky.

~ with thanks to Alison Palmer

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