
(Auricularia heimuer)

"... the soul does not perceive the external or internal
physical construction of herbs and roots, but it intuitively
perceives at once their Signatum.” ~ Paracelsus

I remember daily
nosebleeds for three years
as a child: pressure of a cold cloth
on one pinched nostril, metallic taste
sliding down the back of my throat.

What cured me
of that and other ailments—
rashes from too much heat,
too much cold, dairy,
shellfish, eggs?

Pressing my cheek
to the wall of my bedroom, I swear
I could hear cold ribbons of water
in the sink, someone neatly stacking
the mismatched plates.

Though Galen believed in the soul,
he also wrote about the body and its four
humors—phlegm, blood, yellow bile, black
bile. Too much of one or another tips
the corpus into imbalance.

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