And yet I know we did see the cracks running
like roots this way and that through our days,
blatant or furtive because isn't everything
mycelial on the lower levels That place of mystery
beyond sight and speech out of which hyphae
send warnings and messages But we're all
so well-schooled in catechisms of hope, promising a world
remade if we are good, though it's not going to be
in this one I still wonder why knowledge, knowing,
should have a more lethal flavor than pretending
not to know So many kinds of fruit tumble out of the trees
because it's fall After they redden, the season of rot
But even in their decline they're generous in ways I don't know
I could ever be Of ruddy skin and rind and flesh, what
histories bleed onto our tongues A box of mangoes I bought
from the store made my daughter's throat itch and we
don't know whether it was a different variety from others
we've tried before or if anything is safe anymore
in a world which trains poisons at the imperfect,
the strange A rule that's bent will change
the outcome but does all change gather the fallen,
restore the whole out of the scattered
pieces of itself Here we are in a season during which
we're expected to give thanks And I am
grateful as one is expected to be As we walk
through the orchards dappled still with light and
gold and green we are stepping on
the fragrance of what's dying and it makes us swoon