Ode to the Tidal Bore

Tonight, I am on a Zoom call with my old friend 
from graduate school. She tells me about wanting

to move, in the New Year, to Canada. She wants to know
if I've ever heard of the tidal bore at the Bay of Fundy

and how, as the tide comes in, outflowing rivers
rush back upstream in a forty-foot swell. What I

want to know is, if going against the current
is a thing that exists in nature, couldn't such

a force also reside in us? In other places
at the juncture of rivers and bays, waterfalls

seem to reverse at high tide, pushing back inland
through narrow passages that led to the sea, rocking

back and forth at least twice a day as the moon pushes
and pulls, a rhythm older than any of us understands.

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