
Before or after, there was
no fanfare. No one prostrated
themselves before my family to ask
for my hand, offering sacks of rice
or yam; bolts of cloth, money, a small
pig or goat which, ceremoniously,
would have had to be returned
and replaced with a less
diminutive animal. No ribbons
hung from the rafters, no voices
practiced trills in the choir.
No longer young, and yet we looked
so young, leaning over the balcony
in the rented time-share cottage
while our friend snapped the photo.
I did not wear white, but there was
freshly fallen snow in the background,
spring still only a rumor at the beginning
of March. We chose verses to read and
words to say: promise or prayer, spell
for the future, through joy and sorrow—
whatever we believed would carry
us safely through the tides.

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