There are stories that read like a straight
line: A to B to C to The End; and others
in which either everything happens or nothing
happens, meaning epiphany is elusive or we
are stubborn— we insist that significance
is the only way we could justify existence.
Tonight is the night of a large planetary
parade, the evening alignment of six planets
along the ecliptic. It's tempting to think
this is magical or ominous or fortuitous,
but science merely says these events can happen
every hundred years or so. A neighbor who never
smoked a day in her life dies from lung cancer,
and a wife-beater winds up mayor of his town.
What is the plot in such stories and where
does the tension come to a head? Does it ever
resolve? In myths we're trained to anticipate
how irresolvable dilemmas are turned into
figures on the landscape or in the sky—
A girl in danger turns into a tree, another
becomes the orb-webber who will eternally
hang by her own thread. Certain gods, if you
believe in them, uphold their idea of order
in the cosmos. Who do you pray to at night?