If You Know, You Know

You know you're only mortal and not a god

but that doesn't mean you know nothing

about how language is right now being used

to camouflage ignorance as virtue, villainy

as self-control, avarice as acumen. Whole

planes collide mid-air or roll over in flames

on the tarmac. Lawyers stutter I don't know

rather than tell the truth. Sure they know.

Of course we know things. And we know it takes

balls to admit the truth of what you said

you didn't see coming, until the shadow of

a beach umbrella transforms lickety split,

darkly flaring over your head. Drop your chili

lime margarita and sunblock— it's cobra hoods

all the way down. (That's actually the name

of a line of garments designed for tactical

concealment, though I meant the actual viper

drawing its head back before the strike.)

In old tales, not all serpents are sinister.

Think of doctor-healer Aesculepius and his

snake-encircled caduceus: Zeus killed him

with thunderbolts, afraid of how his science

brought humans back from the brink of death.

If you don't want to be a myth, be a mystery

—but the kind that doesn't stifle the wonder

out of stars and stones and fir-clad

forests. Don't be a thug or a bully or a dick.

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