
Musique, then my brother Tom came, and spoke to him about selling of Sturtlow, he consents to, and I think will be the best for him, considering that he needs money, and has no mind to marry.
Dined at home, and at the office in the afternoon. So home to musique, my mind being full of our alteracons in the garden, and my getting of things in the office settled to the advantage of my clerks, which I found Mr. Turner much troubled at, and myself am not quiet in mind. But I hope by degrees to bring it to it. At night begun to compose songs, and begin with “Gaze not on Swans.” So to bed.

a ring needs
no mind to marry
a home
no mind to age

I found no mind
to compose so I gaze
on swans

Erasure poem derived from The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Tuesday 11 February 1661/62.

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