
All the morning at the office with Sir W. Pen. Dined at home, and Luellin and Blurton with me. After dinner to the office again, where Sir G. Carteret and we staid awhile, and then Sir W. Pen and I on board some of the ships now fitting for East Indys and Portugall, to see in what forwardness they are, and so back home again, and I write to my father by the post about Brampton Court, which is now coming on. But that which troubles me is that my Father has now got an ague that I fear may endanger his life. So to bed.

the blur of her hips
fit for forwardness

and back
which is which

that snow that I fear
is life

Erasure poem derived from The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Tuesday 18 March 1661/62.

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