~ after Carlos Bulosan and Norman Rockwell
Dust and heat, dirt roads. Fields where
every farmworker you'd see was bent to the soil:
iceberg lettuce, garlic, beans, all picked by hand. In
Delano, grape workers led strikes at ten vineyards. For
each box packed, they demanded twenty-five cents more.
Immigrant wages in the '20s— lower than other workers.
Divide and conquer, scapegoating, name-calling, beatings.
Eggplant and curly kale, arugula and strawberries;
in every smoothie and on the flesh of apples, in-
dentations of that past. Easter tables bedecked with tinted
eggs, spring peas, asparagus, and ham; and at Thanksgiving,
impeccable tablecloths for a showcase of plenty.
Deliver us from a world which makes invisible the human cost of labor,
endorses the privilege of some by taking away the rights of others.