Psalm 2.0: the movie

river in November light between bare woods and mountain

This new film, the result of a collaboration with two of my favorite poetry filmmakers, Janet Lees and Marc Neys, was the highlight of my week.

Watch on Vimeo

Here’s how Janet introduced it on Facebook:

A collaboration between Dave Bonta, Marc Neys and me. Dave wrote the poem in response to a film clip I shared on Instagram, a mirrored image of a pebble I’d thrown in the river, and Marc composed several pieces of music to the clip. This is one of the pieces, all brilliant, that we think works really well with Dave’s incredible poem.

It’s fun to collaborate with fellow loners, each of us kind of doing our own thing in response to the others.

If you missed the plain-text version of Psalm 2.0, I posted it back on October 3rd.